+971 50 4551456

Mind Power

Developing Champion Mindset

6 Weeks program


  • Understanding how your mind shapes your world
  • Building Neural Pathways to create success
  • The Secret Radar in your brain & how to use it to improve focus
  • Power of possibility – why you achieve what you believe
  • Power Shifting’ – How to stand in your power when things don’t go your way.
    How children feel about themselves is one of the biggest influences on both their happiness and on what they create in their lives. In this powerful program, kids will learn not ‘What’ but ‘How’ to think and how to stay in their power, which has a direct impact in the way they feel about themselves.
  • Children learn how to uncover negative beliefs and then shift them to supportive beliefs. They become empowered to handle the ups and downs of growing up without getting down on themselves.
  • They understand how their mind shapes their world and what they can do to shape their mind so that it works for them and not against them.
  • Children who don’t believe in themselves will live in excuses and develop an “I can’t attitude”. Learning how to develop a belief system based on possibilities helps children bust outside of their comfort zone, create courage, and go for it in life -even when there is no evidence that they will be successful. Children will learn that they achieve what they believe!
  • Learning how to move through anxiety and fear helps kids learn how to believe in themselves when facing something new. Children learn that anxiety is a natural response to doing something new because their brain hasn’t developed neural pathways about the new experience and they lean how to overcome it.
  • When things don’t go their way, kids often get down on themselves which devastates self –confidence . Childrn to learn is how to separate
    their results from “who they are”. We call this power shifting.
  • Also children learn about their Reticular Activating System and how to use it to help them achieve their goals.

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