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Using the 7 Types of Intelligences to Help Your Kids Discover Their Gifts

Grades, “IQ” tests, and other standardized tests have caused major debates amongst parents and the education community because many believe they don’t measure the “whole child”.

Although these tests might predict how a child will perform in school, they don’t predict which children will become powerful leaders, accomplished composers, unique artists, great musicians, creative inventors, professional athletes, top-ranked sales people, inspirational teachers, spiritual leaders, or great writers.

How to figure out the perfect time to go for your goal!

You may have heard statements like these before…

• As soon as I have more money…
• As soon as I lose weight…
• As soon as I’m a little older

Three things to teach your kids about being mindful

“Mindfulness” is about being in touch with the present moment -- paying attention to what is happening now - your thoughts, your feelings and your way of being.

“I’m the boss of me!”

Have you ever heard your child say these words? I bet you have…and probably with an attitude mixed in!

These words can trigger a power struggle in many families as parents’ automatic first thought is often, “Oh no you’re not!”

How to talk with your kids about grades

School is in session and that means…GRADES!

Whether your kids tend to earn A’s, B’s, C’s, or F’s, kids often define “who they are” based on the grades they receive.

What type of grownup do you want your child to become?

I was asked this question several years ago and it was a very powerful question for me so I wanted to share it with you. Like you, I was already an engaged and connected parent; however, taking a few minutes to actually write down my vision for my kids enabled me to see areas where I was spending a lot of time...

Does Your Child Have Yo-Yo Self-Esteem? ( Part 1 )

Does your child’s self-esteem rise and fall with the grades she makes?
Does your child’s self-esteem rise and fall depending on who played with him at school that day?
Does your child’s self-esteem crumble if he makes a mistake?

Does Your Child Have Yo-Yo Self-Esteem? ( Part 2 )

In the last article we asked the question, does your child have yo-yo self-esteem? Recall that Yo-yo self-esteem occurs when children’s self esteem rises and falls with the ups and downs of their lives (i.e. how they did in school, played in their soccer game, etc.).

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